Tuesday 24 January 2017

Been a long time. Almost forgotten about this outlet. Going to be posting more often. Need the therapy I think. Angry at a lot of things, happy about others. Speak my thoughts when I have the time. Promise to self to post at more regular intervals. Out for now

Monday 23 May 2011

No more shorties

Tried surfing a shortboard yesterday... twitchy lil' fuckers. Think I'll be sticking to my longboard from now on. I know I'm limiting myself in some ways but All I wanna have is fun. Gotta go

Sunday 6 March 2011


Not posted since august... Knee now much better! Got given the jolly green giant! Nine foot, triple stringer, diamond tail. Had to get some repairs done... took of the glass on side fins and got plugs inserted, adding versatility for varied fin set ups. Board rocks as a single fin. Have tried with a keel fin(9inches) and a more standard fin(also 9") and in various positions. Works well with either. Have only surfed it in El Sardinero on a variety of wave sizes.Seems to go well from knee to chest high, my comfort zone. Have to get this board across to Somo soon for a trial on some longer waves to really test its metal. Will get pics also at some stage.

Tattoos have come along well also. Done for the Spanish sessions. Heading to NZ in June and have some time booked with dean, the family tattooist in Wanganui. Hopefully we will have a good colaboration and a sweet result.

Until the next... Stay golden

Wednesday 11 August 2010

Been some time now...

Well it's taken some months since last post. Not much surfing going down due to work, injuries and other external reasons.
Azkena Festival was cool. Rad bands and good vibes. 3 days at a good price. Can't be beat!
Summer is here. As always in Santander some good days mixed into the bad days. Suntan is happening tho'.
Off to France next week. Surf forecast looks lame but hopefully it will pick-up by the time we get there.
Will let you know whenever...

Saturday 24 April 2010

God, it's flat!!!

How long is this going to last. No waves on the horizon in the next few days. Jonesing for a surf, any surf!

Saturday 27 March 2010


GOt out yesterday. Typical Sardinero waves. Pick your spot and wait for the goodies to come to you. well worth it. Tomorrow more.

Sunday 21 March 2010


got to surf yesterday. Wasn't super fantastic but waves there were and waves was had... Shoulders a little stiff, but that could be due to have to carry the log along the beach in cyclone conditions. Man, did the wind come up and just at the time I was getting out. Is there a message here. Is mother earth asking why I've been neglecting her smooth lines recently. Well, guess i'll be getting moist more often then to avoid further mishaps.

Keep surfing